Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WEDNESDAY-The Roman Baths

Arriving back in Bath, we took the city bus did some light shopping, and had an excellent lunch at Brown's Bistro. We also got some cute video of this fountain (pictured to the side) that has a little fountain at the bottom with a laughing angel that will squirt water in your face.

We moved on to the Roman Baths realizing we'd not even visited them yet!

The Baths were again that kind of humbling experience. So old and in operation for so long. There's one vantage point above the baths were you're looking at old roman construction, the 16th century Abbey, and buildings both modern and from the 1800s. It's a lot to process.

And then being right next to the baths themselves. They're still working (here's some video of them still working), they're still hot (steamy, see?), you could jump right in if it weren't for the guards coming for you if you did it. While there's been some work now and then to keep the baths from completely falling into ruin, the main bath just keeps on chugging along like it has for over well over 1000 years.

There's a sense of loss though. It's really a shame they fell out of use by people like you and I in the 1800s and became cloistered, preserved, separate from humanity. Imagine if you could still step in today, you'd be connecting with Romans, Celts, royalty, and common folk from the dawn of history.

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