Saturday, October 22, 2011

SATURDAY-Treacle Sponge Pudding

For dessert at the Tavistock Inn, I checked of another pudding on my list of traditional British puddings: Treacle Sponge Pudding. I thought it was going to be predominantly a molasses flavor. The "sponge" part in any pudding name is supposed to be sponge cake, but often it's a dense cake, not a traditional sponge cake as we'd think of in the US (think twinkies).

It's made in a stonewear dish with melted sugar on the bottom, and the cake batter added to bake on top of that. The sponge is turned out with lovely brown sugar syrup on top and then surrounded with that hot vanilla custard that comes with so many puddings. So so so yummy, caramely, buttery good!!!


  1. Was there any molasses ? Or is it a modern version that doesn't use it? I've wondered about the abundant use of molasses... It's not for everyone!

  2. No molasses in it at all that I could taste. Just what I think they call treacle sugar, our brown sugar. At least that's what i seem to remember :)
