Monday, October 17, 2011

MONDAY-Trafalgar Redux

Today started out overcast, windy, dark, and threatening to rain or drizzle all day. This is _exactly_ the weather I've been pining for in Great Britain and I got it!!!

As we made our way to the Tower of London today, our bus passed Trafalgar Square on the way, a place you'll remember I roundly panned yesterday as an utter disappointment.

Imagine my wide-eyed _thrill_ when our bus ran adjacent to it today and all the plastic tarp tents and protestors were gone! The turquoise, tile-lined fountains were now cascading water in all their splendor. The day before, none of the fountains were operating at all. I'd assumed things were shut down for the season.

Also unveiled were the four huge lions around the Admiral Nelson monument, and the whole place was just ripe for people watching. It was a completely different place. Jeri indulgently allowed us to get off the bus and enjoy some coffee and pastry while we watched folks ride the lions, take pictures, and enjoy the views of the square that look down to Westminster.

Trafalgar was totally redeemed for me and I LOVED the chance to relax and take in the square!!! As a friend of mine says, I was shitting in high cotton. Trafalgar met and exceeded what I had hoped for!

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