Sunday, October 16, 2011

SUNDAY- Trafalgar Square

I've been very much looking forward to people watching at Trafalgar Square since we started planning the trip. I've seen it in movies and television. I

imagined sitting there, sipping coffee, enjoying the old architecture of this historic city, and watching all the interesting folks that pass through a truly international place like London. I imagined how pleased I'd be with myself telling you of my very cosmopolitan afternoon in the very British locale of TRAFALGAR and just how charming it was to feed the pigeons.

Well that was a load of bollocks. By the way, in the UK, bollocks is bad (yes, bollocks means 'testicles'). Well, unless you say it's "the dog's bollocks" and then that's very good. I'm sure you could say to the queen, "Your Majesty, that gown is the dog's bollocks!" and she'd smile quietly to herself. As I was saying, Trafalgar Square was _definitely not_ the dog's bollocks.

There was a festival for Diwali being held there, certainly lovely in its own right-Diwali is a very cool holiday, and there was a protest rally with quite a following for some Gordon fellow that a whole lot of people seemed to agree warranted carrying signs. The combination of things resulted in a lot of angry picketers with bullhorns, and lots and lots of tents for Diwali that tended to block what I imagined was lovely park architecture. But I have no idea if it really did or not.

Forget the festival and the crowing for Gordon, I was just genuinely shocked how _tiny_ Trafalgar Square is. You _might_ comfortably fit in half of a small-town football field and bleachers, but that's it. It's puny. I was truly underwhelmed.

Speaking of things that are NOT the dog's bollocks, feast your ears on this bagpiper I recorded at Trafalgar Square. He's excellent proof that in the hands of a professional with years of training, the dulcet tones of a bagpipe can rank right up there with a chainsaw or even an badger caught in some machinery. Click here to enjoy our Bagpiper

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