Thursday, October 27, 2011

THURSDAY-Edinburgh - Carlton Hill

I was so taken with the site of Carlton Hill from our bus tour, we hopped off as soon as we could and grabbed a taxi.

"Take us up to Edinburgh Castle please!" I told the driver.

"What, over there?" he pointed in the opposite direction to what I now realized was indeed a very close-by Edinburgh Castle. I'd seen it several times from locations near our hotel, but having seen Carlton Hill, the famous Edinburgh Castle looked... drab. Dull.

"Ok," I said, "well, that place over there."

"What, Carlton Hill?"

"Is that what it is?"

"Yes," he said.

"That's where we want to go!" and we tore off. After a short hike up lots of steps, we mounted the hill.

Carlton Hill holds the high ground in Edinburgh with commanding views of the city and beautiful monuments. And almost no one was up there with us. We wandered around with about a dozen other people looking at a collection of monuments and buildings on the hilltop. It was beautiful.

No, we never did visit Edinburgh Castle. It just seemed anti-climactic to us after seeing Carlton Hill.

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